Evaluation of the level of organizational readiness in the implementation of jihadi management in the Islamic Azad University of Ardabil province

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Public Administration - Faculty of Management and Accounting - Allameh Tabatabai University - Tehran - Iran

2 Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran



Considering the purpose of the research, this research is a type of applied research. In terms of method, it is among descriptive-survey research. The main tool of data collection in this research includes library studies, review of documents and researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population of the present study includes all the employees of the Islamic Azad University of Ardabil in the number of 190 people. And by using Karjesi and Morgan's table, 123 people including the sample were selected from simple random sampling style. For data analysis, frequency analysis method of demographic characteristics of the samples was used, for inferential analysis, chi-square method was used to check respondents' opinions. Also, to examine the research questions or objectives in order to examine the organizational factors and its components, the univariate t-test was used. Also, SPSS software was used to investigate the relationships between community variables. The results showed that organizational readiness and its variables have a significant effect on the implementation of jihadi management. Variables and T-scores showed that strategic alignment with a score of 62.6 has the highest impact, and mission and knowledge-oriented with a score of 51.9 has the lowest impact.
