Exploring the political, economic and social dimensions of development in Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D., Public Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Qazvin Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran



Context and Purpose: Development as a multi-dimensional concept has always been the focus of policymakers and government agents and in many studies, only the economic dimension of development was focused on, but in the present study, in addition to the economic dimension, attention was also paid to the political and social dimensions of development in Iran, and in In this regard, the first volume of the "80 Years of Information" series from the publications of the Information Institute was used, in which the political, economic and social events of the Iranian society in the period of 1925-1978 were mentioned.
Methodology: The research method is of a qualitative type, which falls under the category of interpretive research, and thematic analysis method was used to analyze the data obtained from the text of the book.
Findings: The number of 16, 31 and 33 concepts for the political, economic and social dimensions of development were counted from the text of the book, and the number of 9, 13 and 16 main, organizing and comprehensive themes were assigned to the political, economic and social dimensions of development in Iran respectively and the researcher Paying attention to his mental images, he drew the relationships between themes in the form of a network of development themes.
Conclusion: Iran has enjoyed significant progress in the social, economic and political fields during the studied period, while the government planning system in this era has brought multiple contradictions such as the government's control and influence in the economic, political and social sectors.
